جدیدیت کی علمیات

  • قاسم یعقوب


What is modernity? this is an important question in a literary context? What is the difference between Modern and modernity?Is the intellectual source of Western and Eastern modernity the same?  We have to go through such questions when we talk about modernism.This article seeks to define the philosophical and social boundaries of modernism.Along with this, the views of well-known Urdu critics on modernity and modernism have also been examined.


1. "When I consider the mind, or myself in so far as I am merely a thinking thing, I am unable to distinguish any part within myself; I understand myself to be something quite single and complete. "
David Cunning (2014). The Cambridge Companion to Descartes' Meditations. Cambridge University Press. p. 280.
۲۔ ضمیر علی بدایونی:جدیدیت اور مابعد جدیدیت، اختر مطبوعات، کراچی، ۹۹۹۱ء ص ۰۷۳
۳۔ اصل الفاظ یہ ہیں:
Generally, any movement or climate of ideas, especially in the arts, literature, or architecture, that supports change, the retirement of the old or traditional, and the forward march of the avant-garde. More specificically, adherence to the ideas and ideals of the Enlightenment.
https://www.oxfordreference. com/view/10.1093/oi/authority.20110803100203467
۴۔ جدیدیت اور نوآبادیات، اوکسفرڈ یونیورسٹی پریس،کراچی،۱۲۰۲ء، مقدمہ
۵۔ ایضاً، مقدمہ
۶۔ ایضاً مقدمہ
۷۔ ایضاً مقدمہ
۸۔ ایضاً، پیش لفظ
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نوع مقاله
Research Article