نوآبادیاتی ہندوستان میں اینگلو انڈین کمیونٹی کا تہذیبی و شناختی بحران

خصوصی مطالعہ بحوالہ ناول بھوانی جنکشن (Bhowani Junction)

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John Masters (1914-1983) is a prolific and much acclaimed post- colonial Anglo-Indian novelist. Bhowani junction was Written by John Masters in1954.It is set amidst the turbulence of the British withdrawal from India during the era of transfer of power. Apparently it deals with Britain's departure and the partition of India but actually it highlights the Anglo-Indian dilemma of identity crisis. Master s beautifully interweaves the dichotomy of the caste system and political agitation.

On the Eve of exodus of the British from India, the Anglo-Indians found themselves in a discriminatory situation caught between the European attitude of superiority towards Indians and Anglo-Indians alike as well as the Indian mistrust of them, due to their distantness and their western oriented culture. They were the victims of dilemma and indiscretion throughout their existence.

The present article intends to undertake the critical study of Bhowani junction and highlight the discourses surrounding the Anglo-Indians as well as their dilemma of identity.


(1) Government of India, Act, 1935
(2) The Constitution of India, 1950, .....Art: 366, Sec:2, Govt of India, 1963,p:201
(3) D'Souza, A. A. in younger, C. 1984
(4) Gaikwad, V. R. in younger, C. 1984
(5) Gaikwad, V. R. The Anglo Indians: Asia Publishing House London, 1967, p:4
(6) Eric, Erikson, Theory of Stages of Psycho-social Delvelopment, Norton, Newyork, 1950
(7) Gist, N. P. 1973
(8) Gist, N. P. 1972
(9) Anthony, Frank,Britain's Betrayal in India: The story of Anglo-Indian Race, Allied Press Bombay, 1969, p:394-395
(10) John Masters, Bhowani Junction, Penguin Books, New Delhi, 2007, p:25
(11) Bhowani Junction, p:9
(12) Bhowani Junction, p:10
(13) Bhowani Junction, p:12
(14) Bhowani Junction, p:27-28
(15) Bhowani Junction, p:10
(16) Bhowani Junction, p:14
(17) Justin D, Edward, Post Colonial Literature, A Reader's Guide; Macmillan, New York 2008, p:140
(18) Bhowani Junction, p:28
(19) Bhowani Junction, p:28
(20) Bhowani Junction, p:25
(21) Bhowani Junction, p:144
(22) Bhowani Junction, p:143
(23) Bhowani Junction, p:143
(24) Bhowani Junction, p:144
(25) Bhowani Junction, p:144
(26) Bhowani Junction, p:303
(27) Bhowani Junction, p:204
(28) Bhowani Junction, p:258
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Research Article