سفاکیت، غصہ، سنجیدگی: ایک نیا تعین

اُردو افسانہ ’’غصہ کی نئی فصل‘‘ کا تجزیہ

  • مظہر علی طلعت


The article "callousness","Anger" and "seriousity": A new revaluation contains contrast between new values of postmodern Era and values maintained by transcendental religious origin.
This is done with the help of literary sources and religious Philosophies.
Author analysis the value like "callousness" emerging from the novel of Russian novelist Lermontov "Hero of our time" through comparison of Allama Muhammad Iqbal's thoughts.
In this article, the short story of most prominent literary master, Asad Muhammad Khan, "The new harvest of anger" is taken as revaluation of human sentiment like "anger" and its new connotation in the light of Islamic aspect of this sentiment. The justification of this sentiment by the teaching of Islam is its use for defence of self-essteem and religious "Asbiah".
Another value "seriousity" is seen through the angle of Philosophical perspective of 18th century religious and existentialist Philosopher Soren Kierkegaard.


۱۔ غُصے کی نئی فصل (افسانہ غُصے کی نئی فصل)، اسد محمد خان، اِلقا پبلیکیشنز، لاہور، ۱۹۹۷ء، ص ۱۷
۲۔ ایضاً، ص ۱۵
۳۔ ایضا ً، ص ۱۶
۴۔ ایضاً، ص ۱۶
5. S-Kierkegaard, Fear and Trembling (Strakh-i-Trepit, Russian Translation from Danish), Rispublika, Moscow, Russian Federation, 1993, P-237.
6. Ibid, P-237
7. Ibid, P-238
8. Ibid, P-237
9. Ibid, P-237
10. Ibid, P-234
11. Ibid, P-234
12. Ibid, P-235
13. Ibid, P-237
14. Ibid, P-229
نوع مقاله
Research Article