احمد عقیل روبی کی خاکہ نگاری

  • عرفان اللہ خٹک
  • تحسین بی بی
Keywords: includes،, characteristics،, Mirza Farhatullah Baig's


Sketch is a copy of characteristics (of a certain person) which is similar to the real, a pen picture of a personality, lay out of a building, intellectual background of a writing,  a short narrative of a factual happening, brief description of a personal recount, a biographical portrait, introductory setting, a short drama/play, etc.A biographical sketch includes merits and demerits of a personality along with brief description of a certain personality.  In the sketch, the individual's self as well as his relationship with the society and the outer environment is discussed as a special topic. A sketch is written to delineate the salient characteristics of a personality rather than giving only a biographical account. A literary sketch takes into account both strengths and weaknesses of a personality. However,  it  ensure that the statute and  sanctity of the personality remain intact while portraying the shortcomings of a character as the aim is not to downgrade the image of that personality.Mirza Farhatullah Baig's sketch "Deputy Nazir Ahmad Ki Kahani Kuch Meri Kuch An Ki Zani" to Ismat Chaghatai's ‘Dozakhi’ and similarly in Saadat Hasan Manto, the author's personality along with the appropriateness of the subject is clearly visible. It is also a fact that every sketch carries with it the texture and structure of its subject. If the sketch is of a person who belongs to the film industry; references, terms, events and other related matters of the film industry will also be discussed while writing about him. Ahmed Aqeel Rubi is an important personality of our times. He has served in the education department. But his friends included scholars and writers from every field of life. However, he mostly composed sketches of literary and political figures. The names of the books that have been examined in the paper are:

  1. Khare Khote 2. Mufti of Alipore

The number of personalities included in these books is 32.

Short prose narrative, often an entertaining account of some aspect of a culture written by someone within that culture for readers outside of it—for example, anecdotes of a traveler in India published in an English magazine. Informal in style, the sketch is less dramatic but more analytic and descriptive than the tale and the short story. A writer of a sketch maintains a chatty and familiar tone, understating his major points and suggesting, rather than stating, conclusions


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2. احمد عقیل روبی "کھرے کھوٹے" الحمد پبلشر ،لاہور، اشاعت دوم، 2009ء، ص 9
3. ایضاً ص13
4. ایضاً ص17
5. ایضاً ص19
6. ایضاً، ص55
7. ایضاً، ص65
8. ایضاً، ص94
9. ایضاً، ص140
10. ایضاً، ص140
11. ایضاً، ص147
12. ایضاً، ص156
13. ایضاً، ص193
14. ایضاً، ص202
15. ایضاً، ص204
16. ایضاً، ص209
17. ایضاً، ص287
18. ایضاً، ص298
19. ایضاً، ص302
20. ایضاً، ص308
21. احمد عقیل رُوبی ، نصرت فتح علی خان، لاہور words of wisdom ، اگست 1992، اشاعت اول، ص 94
22. احمد عقیل روبی علی پور کا مفتی الحمد اول اکتوبر 1992، دسمبر 2006ء، ص 16
Research Article