اسلامی معاشرہ کی تشکیل میں رموز بے خودی کے عناصر: تحقیقی عناصر
Iqbal presented "Ramooz-e-Be-Khudi" after his Masnavi " Asrar-e-Khudi ". They have great importance in the awakening of national consciousness and unity. Iqbal's political and religious thoughts are clearly revealed through the study of this article. The journey from individuality to collectivity is the most beautiful capital of Iqbal's thought. Studying the discussions of this Masnavi for the formation of the Islamic society is insightful. In this article, a detailed light has been thrown on the position and status of women and Mother. The importance of the Islamic Society has been highlighted in the light of Surah Al-Ikhlas. At the end, the summary of “Ramooz-e-Be-Khudi”is described. The study of this article will provide new sources to Iqbal's thought.
(2) رفیع الدین ہاشمی،علامہ اقبال ایک تعارف،لاہور :اسلامک پبلی کیشنز،2020ء ص 43
(3) فرمان فتح پوری،اقبال سب کے لیے،کراچی: بابِ الاسلام پرنٹنگ پریس 1978ء ص 85
(4) اقبال،کلیاتِ مکاتیبِ اقبال،جلد اول،مرتبہ،سید مظفر حسین برنی،دہلی: اردو اکادمی،اشاعت اول 1989ء ص 728
(5) اقبال،کلیاتِ اقبال فارسی،رموزِ بے خودی،لاہور: شیخ غلام علی اینڈ سنز،ص 151
(6) اقبال ،کلیات اقبال فارسی، ص 153
(7) اقبال ،کلیات اقبال فارسی، ص 161