عارف عبدالمتین کے تنقیدی افکار ’امکانات‘ کے تناظر میں
In this research and critical article ,it has been tried to analyze the work of Arif Abdul Mateen as a critic. Arif Abdul Mateen has plenty of work in Urdu literature, but he is best known as poet and critic. Here preserted his critical work in his famous booK“ Imkanat’’ .This book has brought a lot of appreciation for him as a critic. Arif Abdul Mateen was a progressive critic. He always presented progressive theories in his critical work. Progressive thoughts are very much visible in his work. In progressive movement we can see the , writers have talked about rights of poor and downtrodden to people of society. In progressive movement it has been emphasized to create such literature, which focuses on equality of rights of all peoples and there should is no violation of anyone rights. The critical sense of Arif Abdul Mateen is very vast. He presented universal human values in his critical work. Humanity is hallmark of this work. According to him one’s choice is dependent on his own area and interest. There are many shades of critical angles in Arif Abdul Matheen work. He believe to judge of any piece of literature through different angles and ways. He followed both classical and modern ways. In his criticism most important thing is individual’s freedom.Individual freedom is core element of his criticism. He always has given due importance to personal freedom. There are many dimensions of criticism in his work. He always focus on, literariness, religion and political point of view while evaluating any piece of literature. One more angle of Arif Abdul Mateen criticism is to search purposesness in literature. According to him one great aim of any materpiece is purpose
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26 ۔ ایضا ص : 141