'yar معیار2025-03-12T08:09:46+05:00Dr. Aziz Ibnul Journal Systems<p>The Department of Urdu, International Islamic University was established in 2007. From the very beginning, the department has focused on teaching and research as one of its top-most priorities. Consequently, in 2009, the department launched a research journal, Me’yar, which was received well by the eminent national and international scholars and academic circles soon after its publication. In 2010 it was recognized by the Higher Education Commission as well. Prof. Dr. Moin-ud-Din Aqeel, Dean Faculty of Languages and Literature and Dr. Najeeba Arif, In-charge Department of Urdu (F) were the founder editors of Me’yar. Dr. Aziz Ibnul Hasan, Chairperson Department of Urdu has been the editor of this journal since 2013. Me’yar is being published regularly since then and has published 24 issues in the previous twelve years. It is well-known for the quality of its research articles and the procedures and measures adopted to ensure the impartiality.</p> <p>Print ISSN: 2074-675X</p>چین میں اقبال شناسی2025-03-12T08:09:46+05:00ڈاکٹر عمر فاروق سیال<p>Allama Iqbal is recognized not only in Pakistan but also in other countries of the world due to the universality of his philosophy and poetry.In China, not only students of literature but people from other walks of life should be aware of Iqbal .They are influenced by both Iqbal's thoughts and poem. Students in various universities there have done many research works regarding Iqbal and translations of many of Iqbal's books have also been done in Chinese language.</p> <p>In the last few years, due to the establishment of new departments of Urdu there, more research is being done on Iqbal۔</p>2024-09-25T00:00:00+05:00Copyright (c) 2024منٹو،عسکری اور ترقی پسندی:تنقیدی جائزہ2025-01-21T04:32:15+05:00ماریہ امجد<p>Saadat Hasan Manto is famous writer whose art is recognized by everyone today, but he faced various controversies in his life one of which is the debate of being progressive or regressive.</p> <p>Manto proved his uniqueness and progressiveness by his literary work, but the progressive writers’ movement labelled him “A Reactionary”. Progressive writers passed a resolution to boycott Manto. There is a mentionable role of Hassan Askari in this decision;Hassan Askari is renowned for criticism more than fiction writing and his work and efforts to introduce “Pakistani Literature” is unforgettable.</p> <p>This study examines the situation of literary conflict raised in result of Manto and Hassan Askari’s friendship and reaction of progressive writers. It discusses the major events to understand this situation that are; Askari’s appreciation for Manto’s short story “ "بابو گوپی ناتھ, preface of “سیاہ خاشیے” written by Hassan Askari and Publication of literary magazine “اردو ادب”. This literary conflict reveals the narrow-mindedness and extremism of progressive writers and also revels the aim of movement at that time which were more political than literary. Study reveals that a writer’s progressiveness does not depend on belonging to a movement.</p>2024-12-27T00:00:00+05:00Copyright (c) 2024 غزلیاتِ گوہر ۔ ماحولیاتی تنقید کے تناظر میں2025-01-21T04:34:10+05:00عبداللہ نعیم رسولrasulnaeem214@gmail.comقیصر جاویدrasulnaeem214@gmail.comعادل بادشاہ<p>Ecocriticism is a relatively new field of study, which addresses the environmental crisis as well as echoes of nature in literature. A modern and important wave of ecocriticism is anthropocentrism. Under the theory of anthropocentrism, humans advanced in the direction of scientific evolution and made new inventions in the world of technology, as a result of which the world faced an environmental crisis. While writers and poets made social sciences the center of writing, they also wrote in environmental perspective. Ecocriticism explains how writers addressed this important issue and which environmental issues became part of their fiction and poetry. Also, environmental criticism offers an analytical study of literature.</p> <p>Afzal Gohar is a famous poet of Urdu Ghazal. Although there are a variety of themes in his ghazals, it would be right to call Afzal Gohar a poet of environment. As much as Afzal Gohar has seen and written about the environment from different aspects, I think no ghazal poet has written like this till date. In this article, an analytical study of Afzal Gohar's Ghazal is presented in the context of Ecocriticism.</p>2024-12-27T00:00:00+05:00Copyright (c) 2024فرخ سہیل گوئندی کے سفر نامہ میں ہوں جہاں گرد میں تاریخی وسیاسی شعور2025-01-21T04:35:03+05:00سعدیہ بی بی<p>Literature mirrors the essence and values of life itself. Be it prose, verse, or rhyme, every form materializes the social and societal norms of that era. Farukh Sohail Gowind, being the travelogue writer, journalist, and social activist, blends history, religion, politics and culture together in his works. His travelogue <em>MEIN HUN JAHANGARD </em>is comprised of tourism of Iran, Turkey and Bulgharia. In his travelogue, we find a comparison of social and historical values of all these three countries within a shift of past and present timeframe. In this article, the study focuses on the exploration of historical and political agendas used by the author in <em>MEIN HUN JAHANGARD</em>.</p>2024-12-27T00:00:00+05:00Copyright (c) 2024حمیدہ شاہین کی شاعری میں وجودی استعارتی نظام2025-01-21T04:43:25+05:00ڈاکٹر طاہرہ صدیقہ<p>Urdu poetry, particularly the Nazm, has always been a powerful medium of expression. Hamida Shaheen stands out as a contemporary poetess who has mastered both key genres of Urdu poetry—Nazm and Ghazal—earning her a distinguished place among her contemporaries. This paper delves into her literary significance by analyzing her three poetry collections: Dastak, Dasht-e-Wujood, and Zinda Hoon. Her work offers a nuanced exploration of social, political, and contemporary issues through a distinctly feminist lens, reflecting the insights of a deeply aware creator. Through this study, Hamida Shaheen emerges as a prominent voice of modern sensibility in Urdu poetry.</p>2024-12-27T00:00:00+05:00Copyright (c) 2024