علم الاشتقاق : نظریاتی مباحث

  • ڈاکٹر ماریہ ترمذی
Keywords: etymology philology, dialectology, comparative method, semantic change, principles of etymology, problems, research


Etymology is the study of the origin of words and the way in which their meanings have changed throughout history. It is a subfield of historical linguistic, Philology and semiotics, and it draws upon semantic, pragmatics, phonetics and morphology in order to construct a chronological catalogue of all meanings that a morpheme, phoneme, word, or sign has carried across. it is a part of historical linguistic. Etymologists defined its principles and ways of research. Etymology is a serious and interesting study of words history and has its importance related lexicography and lexicology. Usually dictionaries and glossaries suppose to give little etymological information of their entries but they cannot hold serious etymological discussions except specialized etymological glossaries. There are four methods of etymology which are described in this article (philology, dialectology, comparative method, semantic change). Etymologists and linguistic experts also described the problems and principles of etymological research. Some of them are related to research procedure and some are with presentation of research results.


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Research Article