اقبال کی طویل نظمیں اور ترکیب بند تجزیاتی مطالعہ
Literature, especially the poetry, represented society the best. In this context, it is clear from the initial and evolutionary stages of literature that dramas were also written in harmony with the poetry. We can say without hesitation that literary genres are born from cultures and languages keep the representation continue the best as long as they represent the culture.
In this regard, poetical genres are in view, especially the ghazal coming out of the introduction of an ode. The same introduction promoted the poem written on the pattern of the ghazal and facilitated the usage of composite-tie and return-tie. As Allama Iqbal was familiar with the Arabic and Persian tradition, therefore, he chose especially composite-tie for his long poems. Thus this poem along with the poetic excellence of Allama Iqbal exhibits splendour.
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