Jerusalem in 1923

The Impressions of a Young European

  • Muhammad Asad as born in 1900 in the city of Lvov (Lemberg), Galicia, now in Poland, as Leopold Weiss. He embraced Islam in the mid-twenties and wrote several works including Road to Mecca and Islam at the Crossroads. He died in 1992 in Spain.
  • Elma Ruth Harder is a Canadian educationist and writer who lives in Sherwood Park, AB, Canada.
  • Muzaffar Iqbal is President, Center for Islam and Science, and Regional Director for the Muslim World, The Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences, Berkeley, CA, USA. He lives in Sherwood Park, AB, Canada.
Keywords: Jerusalem, Impressions, European


How to Cite
Asad, M., Harder, E. R., & Iqbal, M. (2001). Jerusalem in 1923: The Impressions of a Young European. Islamic Studies, 40(3-4), 697-720.
Personal Account VI