Portrayal of al-Quds and Muslim Political Aspirations in Urdu Literature

  • S.A.K. Kashfi is a well-known writer, literary critic and poet. He has for long been professor of Urdu at the University of Karachi from where he retired a few years ago.
  • S.A.A. Akif has been a career officer in the bureaucracy of Pakistan's federal government since 1983. Currently he is on leave, pursuing his PhD at the University of Karachi.
Keywords: Al-Quds, Muslim, Political, aspirations, Urdu Literature


How to Cite
Kashfi, S., & Akif , S. (2001). Portrayal of al-Quds and Muslim Political Aspirations in Urdu Literature. Islamic Studies, 40(3-4), 549-568. https://doi.org/10.52541/isiri.v40i3-4.6066