Islam in Brunei Darussalam
Negotiating Islamic Revivalism and Religious Radicalism
Bruneians have shown great earnestness in their adherence to Islam. Religious life in Brunei, however, is characterised by a marked degree of peace and harmony which is indicated by the absence of schismatic tensions. Moreover, the Bruneians' allegiance to Islam did not problematise their encounter with the religious others.
This paper attempts to study the phenomenon and seeks to explain it. While its fuller explanation requires a multi-dimensional analysis, the paper focuses on a careful examination of the religio-ideological factor and arrives at the conclusion that the characteristic Islamic orientation in Brunei—its inclusive approach, its accent on moderation, its ability to incorporate change without creating social convulsion, etc.—is largely because of the Bruneians' adherence to a well-established traditional Islamic school in which they are firmly rooted.
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