The Problematic of Prophethood and Miracles

Mustafa Sabri’s Response

  • Faruk Terzic Chairman, Imam Committee of Islamic Council of Norway and Imam, Det Islamske Felleskap Bosnia Herzegovina, Fougners vei, Oslo, Norway.
Keywords: Prophethood, miracles, Mustafa Sabri


Mustafa Sabri (1286–1374/1869–1954), whose life and influence spanned Turkey as well as Arabic-speaking countries, was among the prominent 20th century Muslim thinkers to grapple with the problematic of prophethood and miracles. In this regard he critically explored the Western intellectual impact on these crucial religious concepts of Islam, eventually offering a perceptive appraisal of the issue as well as the response to problematic from a perspective deeply rooted in the traditional Muslim scholarly heritage. Sabri’s response establishes a much-needed template for a sophisticated intellectual engagement with modern ideas from an Islamic point of view. This article throws light on Sabri’s ideas, techniques and methodology in dealing with the modern discourse on prophethood and miracles, underlining some implications of his rigorous attempt to understand and critique modernity and articulate an Islamic worldview characterised by its distinct Islamic authenticity.


How to Cite
Terzic, F. (2009). The Problematic of Prophethood and Miracles: Mustafa Sabri’s Response. Islamic Studies, 48(1), 5–33.