Dialectics of the Qur’an through Q 2:258

  • Abdessamad Belhaj Research Fellow at MTA-SZTE Research Group for the Study of Religious Culture, Szeged, Hungary.
Keywords: dialectics, Quran


This article explores the dialectics of the Qur’an through the exegesis of Q 2:258. Above all, it investigates the Qur’┐nic debate in the framework of the literary debate, munazarah. First, I examine the terms and ethics of the Qur’anic dialectics. Subsequently, the argumentative sequence of an Abrahamic debate as related in Q 2:258 will be analyzed. The evolution of interpretations endorsed by exegetes reveals the gradual infiltration of theological/juridical dialectics into the reading of the Qur’anic debate.


How to Cite
Belhaj, A. (2012). Dialectics of the Qur’an through Q 2:258 . Islamic Studies, 51(3), 263–273. https://doi.org/10.52541/isiri.v51i3.3561