Construction of Muslim Religiosity Scale

  • Mussarat Jabeen Khan International Islamic University, Islamabad, Pakistan.


The aim of present study was to construct Muslim Religiosity Scale. It was done in two phases. Phase-I involved the construction of Muslim Religiosity Scale. Phase-II was the Psychometric Analysis, for this purpose sample consists of 400 individuals (200 men, 200 women) of age ranging between 20 to 60 years from all walks of life. Psychometric properties were determined by Item-Total Correlation and Exploratory Factor analysis. Two factors of Muslim Religiosity emerged, Extrinsic Religiosity and Intrinsic Religiosity. Alpha Coefficient Reliability was quite satisfactory for Total Muslim Religiosity Scale, Extrinsic Religiosity Subscale and Intrinsic Religiosity Subscale. Muslim Religiosity is positively correlated with Intrinsic Religiosity and negatively with Extrinsic Religiosity. Extrinsic Religiosity is also negatively correlated with Intrinsic Religiosity. Effects of demographic variables were explored like gender and age. Results indicated significant differences between men and women on Total Muslim Religiosity, Extrinsic Religiosity and Intrinsic Religiosity. Women scored higher on Total Muslim Religiosity, Extrinsic Religiosity and Intrinsic Religiosity than men. There were non-significant differences on Muslim Religiosity among two age groups, 21–40 years and 41–60 years.

Author Biography

Mussarat Jabeen Khan, International Islamic University, Islamabad, Pakistan.

Lecturer, Department of Psychology, International Islamic University, Islamabad, Pakistan.

How to Cite
Khan, M. J. (2014). Construction of Muslim Religiosity Scale. Islamic Studies, 53(1-2).