FIKR-O NAZAR فکر ونظر <p align="right">ادارہ تحقیقات اسلامی سے شائع ہونے والا ”فکر ونظر“ ممتاز پاکستانی تحقیقی و علمی مجلہ ہے جو جولائی۔اگست ۱۹۶۳ء سے باقاعدگی سے اردو زبان میں چھپ رہا ہے۔ یہ سہ ماہی مجلہ اسلام اور مسلم امہ سے متعلق امور پر تبصرہ و تجزیہ پیش کرتا ہے اور دور حاضر کے ممتاز مفکرین کی تحقیقات کو نہ صرف متخصصین بلکہ دنیا بھر میں اردو جاننے والے عام قارئین تک پہنچانے کا ذریعہ ہے۔</p> <p dir="RTL">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ”فکرونظر“ علوم اسلامیہ کی تمام جہات پر مقالات شائع کرتا ہے اور اردو زبان کے علمی مجلات میں بین الاقوامی سطح پر اس کی ساکھ بہت اچھی ہے۔ اب تک مختلف موضوعات پر ”فکر ونظر“ کے خصوصی نمبر شائع ہو چکے ہیں جنہیں ماہرین فن اور عام&nbsp; قارئین ہر دو&nbsp; کی جانب سے پذیرائی حاصل ہوئی ہے۔ جنوبی ایشیا کی ممتاز علمی شخصیات کے رشحاتِ قلم ”فکر ونظر“میں باقاعدگی سے شائع ہورہے ہیں۔</p> <p dir="RTL">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ”فکر ونظر“ایک&nbsp; بین الموضوعاتی مجلہ ہے جس میں فکر اسلامی کے مختلف پہلوؤں پر ماہرین کی جانچ کے عمل سے گزرنے کے بعد تحقیقی مقالات شائع کیے جاتے ہیں۔ اس کے قارئین میں محققین، زعمائے دین، پالیسی بنانے والے، صحافی، پیشہ ور افراد اور معاشرے کے عام افراد شامل ہیں۔ ”فکر ونظر“قانون اور معاشرتی و سماجی علوم میں اسلامی نقطۂ نظر سے طبع زاد تحقیقی کاوشوں کو شائع کرنے کے لیے ایک مؤثر پلیٹ فارم مہیا کرتا ہے۔</p> <p dir="RTL">پرنٹ آئی ۔ایس۔ایس۔این : 0430-4055</p> <p dir="RTL">آن لائن آئی۔ایس۔ ایس ۔این: 2518-9948</p> <p>Fikr-o Nazar is a leading Pakistani refereed research journal published by Islamic Research Institute (IRI) since July-August 1963 in Urdu language. It is a quarterly journal dedicated to provide analysis and commentary on issues related to Islam and Muslim Ummah. It brings together many of today's most innovative and distinguished thinkers, making their research available not just to specialists but also to a wider audience of globally concerned readers in Urdu language.</p> <p>Fikr-o Nazar covers all areas of Islamic Studies and enjoys a good international reputation among scholarly Journals in Urdu. From time to time the journal has brought out special issues on different themes. Its landmark publications have been received well by both scholars and general readers. The contributors to Fikr-o Nazar include some of the most eminent scholars and thinkers of South Asia.</p> <p>&nbsp;Fikr-o Nazar is an interdisciplinary journal of peer-reviewed research and informed opinion on the various issues of Islamic Thought. Its readers include scholars, practitioners, religious leaders, policy makers, journalists and commoners. Intellectually rigorous yet accessible and practical, it provides an influential outlet for original scholarship in social sciences, law and humanities, as well as a lively forum for research from Islamic perspectives.</p> <p>Print ISSN:&nbsp;0430-4055</p> <p>Online ISSN:&nbsp;<span lang="EN-GB">2518-9948</span></p> Islamic Research Institute, International Islamic University en-US FIKR-O NAZAR فکر ونظر 0430-4055 <p>It is a condition of publication in this journal that authors assign copyright or license publication rights of their articles to the Islamic Research Institute, International Islamic University, Islamabad. This enables IRI to ensure full copyright protection and to disseminate the article, and of course the journal, to the widest possible readership in print and electronic formats as appropriate. Furthermore, the authors are required to secure permission if they want to reproduce any figure, table, or extract from the text of another source. This applies to direct reproduction as well as "derivative reproduction" (where you have created a new figure or table which derives substantially from a copyrighted source).</p> <p dir="RTL"><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;">”فکرونظر“ میں شائع ہونے والی نگارشات کا حق اشاعت</span></strong></p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ”فکرونظر“ میں مقالے کی اشاعت سے پہلے&nbsp; مقالہ نگار کو اپنی نگارشات کا حق اشاعت ادارہ تحقیقات اسلامی، بین الاقوامی اسلامی یونیورسٹی، اسلام آبا د کو تفویض کرنا ہوگا۔ یہ عمل ادارے کے لیے نہ صرف کاپی رائٹ حقوق کی حفاظت یقینی بناتا ہے بلکہ اس کے ذریعے ادارے کے لیے مقالات اور&nbsp; مجلے کی اشاعت، پرنٹ اور الیکٹرانک ہر دو صورتوں میں، زیادہ سے زیادہ قارئین تک ممکن ہوتی ہے۔ علاوہ ازیں، مقالہ نگاران اگر کسی دوسرے مصدر/ مرجع سے کوئی جدول، خاکہ یا اقتباس نقل کر رہے ہیں تو اس کی پیشگی اجازت حاصل کرنا ضروری ہوگا۔ اس کا اطلاق بلاواسطہ یا بالواسطہ ہر دو قسم کی نقل پر ہوگا۔</p> <p><img src="/ojs/public/site/images/admin/by-nc4.png"></p> <p><strong>Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International&nbsp;(CC BY-NC 4.0)</strong></p> حدیث اور علوم حدیث پر تحقیق: پندرھویں صدی عیسویں میں برصغیر کے علما کی خدمات کا جائزہ <p>Scholars have invented various sciences for the protection of <em>Ḥadīth</em> and <em>ʻUlūm ʻl Ḥadīth</em>. Such as the <em>ʻIlm ʻl rijāl</em>, <em>ʻIlm ʻl jarḥ wa Taʻdīl</em> and the knowledge of the strangeness of ḥadīth, etc. Thus, from the beginning of Islam, the scholars of the Subcontinent, while contributing to the service of the <em>Qur'</em><em>ān </em>and <em>ʻUlūm ʻl Qur'ān</em>, continued their services in <em>Ḥadīth</em> and <em>ʻUlūm ʻl Ḥadīth</em>. However, <em>Ḥadīth</em> and <em>ʻUlūm ʻl Ḥadīth</em> was revived in the subcontinent in the fifteenth century. This research intends the work done by the Scholars in terms of <em>Ḥadīth</em> and <em>ʻUlūm ʻl Ḥadīth</em> in 15<sup>th</sup> has been described. During this period, the scholars of ḥadīth performed very well in the subcontinent, as a result of which people from far and wide began to travel to subcontinent to acquire knowledge of ḥadīth. The ḥadīth narrators developed great role in the sciences of ḥadīth. In subcontinent the noteworthy <em>Mo</em><em>ḥaddthīn</em> are Abdullah b. Umar al-Halavī (1404 AD), Muhammad b. Yaqūb Sherāzī (1414 AD), Syed Muhammad Gaisūdarāz (1422 AD), Muhammad b. Muhammad al-Makrānī (1422 AD), Badar ud Dīn al-Damaminī (1424 AD), Hussain b. Muʻīz Bahārī (1441 AD), Mahmood Gawon (1481 AD), Shaikh ʻAlā ud Dīn Dehlvī, Abū Saūd b. Younus Malikī etc.</p> Murtaza Khan Muhammad Saleem Copyright (c) 2023 FIKR-O NAZAR فکر ونظر 2023-09-30 2023-09-30 61 1 9 35 10.52541/fn.v61i1.2519 اصول سیرت نگاری اور اس کا ارتقا، اردو کتب سیرت کے حوالے سے ایک مطالعہ <p>The subject of principles of biography is often overlooked. There is a lack of written works on this topic, particularly in Urdu. Although some literary works in the Arab world touch upon the principles of biography, they are not widely recognized. However, discussions on the narrative style of biography have gained attention, prompting scholars to focus on key points. The Muhaddith style of biography has also been a central topic in these discussions. Early and modern Arabic texts on biographical sources are readily available, allowing for additional contributions. While there are limited discussions on the principle of biography, most of them are in Urdu. Therefore, this article will only consider Urdu books to present the debate chronologically and offer a summary of principled biographies. It is important to note that this article serves as an introductory overview, aiming to generate interest among scholars to further explore the principles of biography.</p> Syed Azizur Rahman Copyright (c) 2023 FIKR-O NAZAR فکر ونظر 2023-09-30 2023-09-30 61 1 37 62 10.52541/fn.v61i1.2284 جامع ترمذی میں علمِ اصولِ فقہ کا تعارفی مطالعہ (کتاب الطهارة تا کتاب الجنائز) <p><strong><em>Jamʽi Tarimzdhī</em></strong> is a comprehensive reference book on hadees which its self radiates different fields of knowledge. According to Ibnul Arabi and Allama Ghulam Rasool, it is considered to form the basis of fourteen (14) and twenty four (24) subjects of Hadees and Fiqh respectively. Later is of the view that it may give rise to even more than twenty four illustrations. A thorough research analysis of "Jame" from "Abwabul taharah to Abwabul jnaiz" proved it as such. The methodology and style for Ttitles (Trajm e abwab) and collection the sources of Fiqh (Mustadallat) clarifies / envisages thirteen (13) more different technical subjects of Usool e fiqh as well. So, the present study is done to extract and explore the introduction of these possible technical subjects in the field along with examples from "Jame tirmzi", (Abwabul taharah to Abwabul jnaiz).</p> Saima Malik Muhammad Hamid Raza Copyright (c) 2023 FIKR-O NAZAR فکر ونظر 2023-09-30 2023-09-30 61 1 63 96 10.52541/fn.v61i1.2210 عید الاضحیٰ کی قربانی اور عشرۂ ذی الحجہ کی ممنوعات ( ماخذِ حکم، مسئلے کا تاریخی سیاق اور فقہا ومحدثین کے نقطہ ہاے نظر کا علمی جائزہ) <p>This work probes into the alleged prohibition of cutting hair and nails during the first ten days of <em>Dhil Ḥijjah</em>. It is said to be observed by those intending to sacrifice animals on <em>ʻEid ʻl-Adḥā</em>. The issue has been controversial right from the early centuries of Islam and is still far from settled. This article sheds light on the basic source of this ruling. It then discusses various views of jurists and Ḥadīth scholars, followed by elucidating the reasons for differences among them. In doing so, it provides an overview of the origin and evolution of the issue over the last fourteen hundred years. After a careful analysis, the work concludes that the most convincing view is that of the majority of scholars, viz. no such prohibition can be established based on the sayings or practice of the Prophet (peace be on him). What is generally permissible for a believer, therefore, should also remain permissible for them during these specific days.</p> Muhammad Amir Gazdar Copyright (c) 2023 FIKR-O NAZAR فکر ونظر 2023-09-30 2023-09-30 61 1 97 127 10.52541/fn.v61i1.2723 موسمیاتی وماحولیاتی تبدیلیوں کے مضرت رساں اثرات سے نمٹنے کے لیے دین اسلام کی نظریاتی تعلیمات اور عملی ہدایات <p>The belief of a Supreme Being, having complete authority and extreme power over each and everything exists and over every action occurs in this universe, is among well-established beliefs in all religions and recognized by their adherents. Those who absolve themselves of such a belief attribute the actions happen and the changes occur around them, either on earth or in heaven, to the natural laws terming them as the real and essential causes and factors according to successful human experiences and constant observations. While both the believers in any religion and the un-believers unanimously admit of the rule of cause and effect, since they all believe that fire burns, water quenches thirst, sun heats up the atmosphere and the moon reflects light, the only difference between them in this regard is that the former believe that they are subservient to the Will of a Supreme Being while the latter do put this rule free from any outside direction. Thus all humans recognize and acknowledge that the detrimental and dangerous environmental and climate changes which are being globally experienced in almost every part of the world are resulting from the wrongdoings and harmful actions of human being as the Holy Quran clearly declares; Evil (sins and disobedience of Allah, etc.) has appeared on land and sea because of what the hands of men have earned (by oppression and evil deeds, etc.), that Allah may make them taste a part of that which they have done, in order that they may return (by repenting to Allah, and begging His Pardon). &nbsp;(surah ar-Room: 41)</p> <p>According to scientific empirical research so far, the worsening situation of climatic and environmental changes, the deterioration of which is increasing day by day, has started since the 19<sup>th</sup> century. Hotter climate, frequent occurrence of unusual storms, increasing droughts, rising sea levels, extinction of various species, immunity decline of human physical health and strength to fight deadly epidemics and diseases, poverty and migration from homeland to other lands; all are attributed to the climate and environmental changes. Since Islam claims that it is the complete code of life which solves all problems faced by mankind and gives perfect guidance in all situations, what Islam teaches and guides to overcome the threats posed by the above mentioned climatic and environmental changes disturbing human life on earth? What are the distinguished theoretical features and practical instructions of Islam as a Perfect Deen in this regard? The paper under review mainly answers these questions along with elaborating some important concepts related to climate change, its causes and effects and what may happen if the necessary actions are neglected.</p> Muhammad Bilal Ebrahim Berberi Copyright (c) 2023 FIKR-O NAZAR فکر ونظر 2024-04-14 2024-04-14 61 1 111 137 10.52541/fn.v61i1.2798