عصر حاضر کے منتخب فتاویٰ کی روشنی میں انسانی کلوننگ کا تجزیہ

An Evaluation of Human Cloning in the Light of Select Fatāwā

  • Dr. Shazia Kiyani Lecturer, Department of Law, University of Gujrat
  • Suhaib Ahmed Hashimi Visiting Lecturer, Department of Law, University of the Punjab, Gujranawala Campus
Keywords: Human Cloning, Fatāwā, Therapeutic Cloning, Reproductive Cloning, Shī‘ah, Sunnī


This article seeks to trace and evaluate significant and noteworthy fatāwā on human cloning issued by some of the distinguished institutions of the Muslim world. Muslim jurists and scientists have been striving to understand the scientific and biological nature of human cloning in order to better evaluate it from the juridical point of view. Fatāwā of the Muslim institutions on human cloning offer valuable wisdom and reasoning for the followers and guide them in this regards. Following a careful study of the select fatāwā, however, it has been observed that most of them failed to differentiate between the reproductive and therapeutic forms of cloning, which are considered the most important kinds of human cloning.

How to Cite
Kiyani, D. S., & Hashimi, S. A. (2020). عصر حاضر کے منتخب فتاویٰ کی روشنی میں انسانی کلوننگ کا تجزیہ : An Evaluation of Human Cloning in the Light of Select Fatāwā. FIKR-O NAZAR فکر ونظر, 57(4), 171-196. Retrieved from http://irigs.iiu.edu.pk:64447/ojs/index.php/irifikronazar/article/view/909
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