علم الانسان: روایتی مذہبی تصورِ انسان اور جدید علم بشریات کے محتویات

Study of Man: Traditional Religious Thought and Modern Anthropology

  • Dr. Humaira Ahmad Associate Professor, Department of Islamic Thought and Civilization, University of Management and Technology, Lahore
  • Muhammad Tahir Mustafa Associate Professor, Department of Islamic Thought and Civilization, University of Management and Technology, Lahore.
Keywords: Anthropology of Islam, Diversity vs Unity, Great and Little Tradition, Hybridity, Discursive Tradition


Anthropology of Religion, being an important sub-discipline of Anthropology, is the study of religion in relation to social institutions, impact, and comparison of religious beliefs and practices across cultures and societies. The interest in Anthropology of Islam has also been an integral part of Anthropology since its inception. The study of Islam in Anthropology is different from the theological study of Islam, as it does not discuss the scriptures and the beliefs of Muslims; rather, it deliberates on how Islam affects the lives of the Muslims and how they act upon it. The works of the anthropologists like Clifford Geertz, Ernest Gellner, Michael Gilsenan, Dale F. Eickelman, Abdul Hamid El Zein and Talal Asad are important in the context of Anthropology of Islam and cover the most important debates and dimensions of the discipline. This article introduces Anthropology, Anthropology of Religion, and various themes and approaches in Anthropology of Islam, aiming to familiarize the Urdu reader with the discipline and its themes.

How to Cite
Ahmad, D. H., & Mustafa, M. T. (2020). علم الانسان: روایتی مذہبی تصورِ انسان اور جدید علم بشریات کے محتویات: Study of Man: Traditional Religious Thought and Modern Anthropology. FIKR-O NAZAR فکر ونظر, 57(4), 221-242. Retrieved from http://irigs.iiu.edu.pk:64447/ojs/index.php/irifikronazar/article/view/899
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