(عربی لغات میں المنجد کا مقام (تحقیقی و تنقیدی جائزہ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Place of al-Munjid among Arabic Lexicons: A Critical Analysis

  • سید عبد الغفار بخاری Department of Islamic Studies, National University of Modern Languages (NUML), Islamabad


The literature covering various aspects of Arabic language is multidimensional ranging from etymology to the compilation of voluminous lexicons and dictionaries. There are different types of dictionaries in Arabic Language. Some dictionaries explain exact and literal meanings of the words, while others deal with the form and expression. Yet another class of works focuses upon matters of structure and phonetics or unfamiliar and foreign terminologies.

Drawing from variety of these sources, Louis Maloof who was a Christian hermit, and a well known Arabic scholar and philosopher wrote the book al- Munjid. Preface of the book is well organized. This book is unique regarding its language terminologies and modern trends of writing. It is decorated with different colors and pictures, like trees, animals, birds, insects, plants, means of transportation, tools for measurement, and modern musical instruments. Due to these qualities, this book got wide fame and became publically popular.

Despite all these outstanding qualities, it was criticized a lot by many scholars in their articles and books. Major objections among these were:1) Unawareness of Islamic/Muslims personalities and places, and Islamic history, and 2)  prejudice towards Islamic doctrines and sources etc.

 In this article a comprehensive discussion is presented keeping in view all the merits and demerits of the book. Many corrections have been made; however, this book cannot be taken as an authentic source. 

Author Biography

سید عبد الغفار بخاری, Department of Islamic Studies, National University of Modern Languages (NUML), Islamabad
Associate Professor
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