استنباط احکام میں حنفی فقہاء کا منہج اور دلالات

ایک تحلیلی جائزہ

  • محمد احمد منیر Department of Fiqh & Law, IRI.
Keywords: حنفیہ, اصول فقہ, طرق استدلال, عبارۃ النص, اشارۃ النص, دلالۃ النص, اقتضاء النص, استنباط احکام



Interpretation of a text (nass) requires adherence not only to its obvious meaning but also to its implied meaning and indirect indications and inferences that could be drawn from it. anafī jurists deploy four methods of textual implications while deducing rules of the shari‘ah. These are explicit or immediate meaning (‘ibārat al-naṣṣ), alluded meaning (ishārat al-naṣṣ), inferred meaning (dalālat al-naṣṣ), and required meaning (iqtiḍā’ al-naṣṣ). The paper attempts to provide detailed application of these rules of textual implications, which were generally designed to encourage rational enquiry in the deduction of legal injunctions from the divinely revealed sources. They also provide the jurist and the mujtahid with guidelines so as to ensure the propriety of interpretation and ijtihad.

How to Cite
منیرم. ا. (2020). استنباط احکام میں حنفی فقہاء کا منہج اور دلالات : ایک تحلیلی جائزہ. FIKR-O NAZAR فکر ونظر, 57(3), 47-99. Retrieved from http://irigs.iiu.edu.pk:64447/ojs/index.php/irifikronazar/article/view/838
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