علامہ اقبال کا سفر افغانستان: بعض احوال و کوائف ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Allama Iqbal’s Journey to Afghanistan: Some Features

  • عبدالروف رفیقی Rafiqi Research Institute, Kasi Road, Quetta


Allama Muhammad Iqbal refers to Afghans and Afghanistan time and again in his poetic and prose writings. He had a keen love for Afghans due to their affinity towards religion, high mindedness and other qualities. Iqbal observed in them the spirit of freedom and bravery in a period while the Muslim world was in turmoil under the atrocity of colonialism. He expects from Afghan rulers the revival of the spirit of their ancestors and makes Afghanistan a welfare state. He attributed his well-known book Piyam-i Mashriq to Afghan ruler Ghazi Aman Allah Khan. When this book was published in 1923 A.H, Afghanistan was under the rule of Shah Aman Allah Khan but later on, under some circumstances, it came under the control of Amir Habib Allah Khan in an atmosphere of anarchy. The previous ruler Nair Shah was in Paris and he returned to Afghanistan in order to mitigate the present situation. He became new ruler and focused his attention on the reformation of country. Firstly he paid his attention on education and invited Iqbal, Syed Sulayman Nadawi and Sir Ras Mas‘ud from India for consultation. It was a very memorable journey in Iqbal’s life and during this he penned down his well-known Mathnawi Musafir. He visited historical places and grand mausoleums of saints. This article discussed the account of this journey in the light of some primary resources.

Author Biography

عبدالروف رفیقی, Rafiqi Research Institute, Kasi Road, Quetta
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