خطباتِ اقبال کےمعروف تراجم میں ’’تشکیلِ جدید الٰہیاتِ اسلامیہ‘‘ کی اہمیت

The Importance of Tashkil-i Jadid Ilahiyyat-i Islamiyyah among Urdu Translations of The Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam

  • Saira Batool Assistant Professor, Department of Urdu, Faculty of Languages & Literature, International Islamic University, Islamabad.
Keywords: Urdu


Tashk┘l-i Jad┘d Il┐hiyy┐t-i Isl┐miyyah holds a prominent position among all Urdu translations of All┐m┐ ’Iqb┐l’s lectures, The Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam. The text of Reconstruction is not easy to understand, that is why many translations and explanations of the book have been offered overtime. Sayyid Nadh┘r Niy┐zi, translator of the lectures, had a close relationship All┐m┐ ’Iqb┐l and it was ’Iqb┐l who asked Niy┐zi to translate his lectures. Niy┐zi claims in the preface of the translation that not only did ’Iqb┐l suggested the title Tashk┘l-i Jad┘d Il┐hiyy┐t-i Isl┐miyyah for the translation but also reviewed the translations of first two chapters. This present article deals with different aspects of Niy┐zi translation and argues that it is the best available translation of ’Iqb┐l’s Reconstruction in Urdu.

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