احادیث نبویہ میں وارد بعض نباتات میں غلط فہمی اور ترجمہ پر اس كا اثر ............................................ Errors in Understanding Names of Some Plants Mentioned in Hadith Literature and Its Effect on their Translation

  • محمد فیضان الرحمن Associate Professor, Faculty of Arabic, International Islamic University, Islamabad


Translation of plants’ names mentioned in Hadith literature from Arabic into other languages is a difficult task. Due to this, mistakes have occurred in the translation of some plants, names from Arabic into Urdu. In earlier times, there was some excuse for translators because the material from which they could gain benefit was scarce. However, in modern times, it is possible to accurately translate plants’ names. In this article, an effort has been made to identify such mistakes in translation and provide the appropriate equivalents.

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