افکارِامام ابن تیمیہ کی ترویج میں امام شاہ ولی اللہ کا کردار ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Role of Shah Walli Allah in Promoting the Ideology of Ibn Taymiyyah
Ibn Taymiyyah (661-728/1263-1327) is one of the most dynamic and seminal personalities in the history of Islam. He struggled hard to revive Muslim society through inward animation and re-interpretation of its values in the light of a new spirit of ijtihad (interpretation of law) based on direct recourse to the Qur’an and the Sunnah. His thought influenced not only his contemporaries in the Muslim heartlands but reached far beyond. The prominent icon of Indian Subcontinent Shah Wali Allah(1702-1763) has a commonality in his intellectual approach with that of Ibn Tamiyyah. Shah Wali Allah's stay in Hijaz afforded him thorough insight into the thought of Ibn Taymiyyah of which his teacher, Shaikh Aba Tahir Kurdi of Madinah, was an ardent advocate. Ibn Taymiyyah 's impact on Shah Wali Allah's thought is clearly discernible in some of his writings. His discussion on khilafah and khilafa al-Rashidah in Izalah al-Khafa’ and Qurrat ul-'Aynayn echoes the ideas propounded in Ibn Taymiyyah 's Minhaj al-Sunnah; while some of his discussions in Hujjat Allah al-Baligha seem inspired by Ibn Taymiyyah 's Fatawa. Similarly, Shah Wali Allah's campaign against bid‘at, emphasis on ijtihad and involvement in the political struggles of the time are not unrelated to Ibn Taymiyyah's teachings. His defense of Ibn Taymiyyah's ideological position had an impact on contemporary religious thought in subcontinent.
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