سماجی علوم پر ادارہ تحقیقات اسلامی کی مطبوعہ کتب کا تحقیقی و تجزیاتی مطالعہ .................................................................... IRI’s Published Books on Social Sciences: A Critical Analysis

  • آفتاب احمد International Islamic University, Islamabad.


Several books have been published by the Islamic Research Institute on Social Sciences. In this study, an attempt has been made to highlight the contribution of the Institute in this specific field. The authors and their selected books are introduced in an objective manner. The main focus is to introduce readers with the contents and methodologies adopted by the writers in social sciences. Furthermore, the significance of the subject and book is discussed at length. Following books were under consideration while writing this paper:-


  1. Tarikh-e Ulum mayn Tahzib-e Islami Ka Muqam by Fuat Sezgin, trans. Khurshid Rizvi (The place of Islamic civilization in the history of sciences).


  1. Islami Muasharah ki Tasis-o Tashkil by Sahibzada Sajid-ur-Rahman (The Foundation and Reconstruction of Islamic society).


  1. Islam in History and Society by Malek Bennabi, trans. Asma Rashid.


  1. Imam Razis ilm al-akhlaq: Kitab al-Nafs Wal-Ruh Wa Sharh Quwahuma by M. Saghir Hasan Masumi.


  1. Islamic methodology in history by Fazlur Rahman.

Author Biography

آفتاب احمد, International Islamic University, Islamabad.
Assistant Professor/ HOD Qur’anic Studies, Islamic Research Institute.
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