غیرت کے نام پر قتل: فقہاے حنفیہ کی منتخب آرا کا جائزہ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Honor Killing: An Analytical Study of the Selected Hanafi Views

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Honor killing is an old unjust custom which still exists in our society causing formidable crisis of cruel murders. This type of act is used to protect the so-called dignity and honor.  To justify this worse custom, some people rely on certain texts from the Holy Qur’an and Sunnh and derive incorrect conclusions. The purpose of this article is to examine the argumentation for honor killing with special focus on the texts of Hanafi Jurisprudence. After analyzing critically such texts, the author has come to the result that no religious text can be put forward for sake of justification of such type of brutal killing. The texts which are used for this purpose can be interpreted in such a way that bolts the door of such false argumentation. 

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