قرآن کا تصورِ ازدواج اور مرد و عورت کے معاشرتی دائرہ ہائے کار
This article is meant to introduce the concept of pairs in the Holy Quran and that the universe is functioning on the basis of pair system. Every circle of this world is functioning by the same system. Usually the two members of every pair have two different qualities and nature of jobs, one of them may be called as negative and the other positive. This concept is based on the Holy verse of Quran: "And we have created pairs of every thing so that you remember" [dhariyat 51:49]. Some scientific examples are also inserted to make the idea more clear. For example in a cell, in every living things and atom in non living things there also the system of pair prevails. In an atom proton and electron do the job for negative and positive charges respectively. Both of them have their own rotation space, specialized in one aspect of the energy the function at a time, at the same speed, at the same number and create energy and balance to keep the atom at its natural position. They never mix-up nor they interfere into the others jobs, but in the same time no one of them can be self sufficient. Same the case is with a magnet where the south and north polls do the jobs. The examples of electricity and binary language of computing system are also pointed to, in the article. Coming to the Holy Quran, many examples of systems running on pair basis are given along with with quotations from the verses. One of these has been explained in a sort of detail. That example is of the mutual functioning of the earth and the heaven, where the Quran states that livelihood is in the heavens and that Almighty Allah sends it down from the heaven to the earth, but nobody in this world's life have ever received food from the heavens. It is always a product of the earth, not the sky. Thisidea has been examined and found that there is a regular and
scientific interaction between the earth and the sky to produce food from the earth. Based on examples and numerous verses of the Holy Quran the status of woman and man in a human society has been addressed and the conclusion was that both the genders are equals in importance but never equal in job description. Exceptions are always there. Both the gender have their own specialized circle of function to build up the society. Frequent interruption into each other's jobs destroy the circle of function assigned to them. There is no doubt that none of them work without the other help but they must remain working according to their specific jobs. Exceptions are always there.
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”فکرونظر“ میں شائع ہونے والی نگارشات کا حق اشاعت
”فکرونظر“ میں مقالے کی اشاعت سے پہلے مقالہ نگار کو اپنی نگارشات کا حق اشاعت ادارہ تحقیقات اسلامی، بین الاقوامی اسلامی یونیورسٹی، اسلام آبا د کو تفویض کرنا ہوگا۔ یہ عمل ادارے کے لیے نہ صرف کاپی رائٹ حقوق کی حفاظت یقینی بناتا ہے بلکہ اس کے ذریعے ادارے کے لیے مقالات اور مجلے کی اشاعت، پرنٹ اور الیکٹرانک ہر دو صورتوں میں، زیادہ سے زیادہ قارئین تک ممکن ہوتی ہے۔ علاوہ ازیں، مقالہ نگاران اگر کسی دوسرے مصدر/ مرجع سے کوئی جدول، خاکہ یا اقتباس نقل کر رہے ہیں تو اس کی پیشگی اجازت حاصل کرنا ضروری ہوگا۔ اس کا اطلاق بلاواسطہ یا بالواسطہ ہر دو قسم کی نقل پر ہوگا۔
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