کی شرعی حیثیت(Euthanasia) قطعِ حیات بہ جزبہء رحم

  • ڈاکٹر (مفتی)محمد شمیم اختر قاسمی
Keywords: domestic, responsibilities, undesirable, accomplish


Whenever a person is confronted with domestic problomes or social responsibilities or fails to attain a worldly ranke or position, he feels grief for the time-being. Some people, faced with such circumstances at times commit suicide just to avoid more failures or frustration. No society has ever approved such undesirable act. Islam forbids committing of suicise as Haram. Islam decrees that for those who commit suicide, their abode is hell. The law of the land does not hold suicide as something bad as all people have their sway over themselves. However attempt at committing suicide is a crime. It would mean that if some one attempts to commit suicide but fails to accomplish the intention will be punished. This article carries debate on the issue.

How to Cite
ڈاکٹر (مفتی)محمد شمیم اختر قاسمی. (2010). کی شرعی حیثیت(Euthanasia) قطعِ حیات بہ جزبہء رحم . FIKR-O NAZAR فکر ونظر, 48(2), 93-152. https://doi.org/10.52541/fn.v48i2.3886
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