عدل اجتماعی اور اس کی اسلامی بنیادیں

  • احمد زکی یمانی
Keywords: Wealth, sources, accumulate, ownership


Wealth in one of the major sources of exploitation.Islam accepts individual's right of property but creates a balance between the interests of individual and community to avoid the exploitation generated by wealth. The author distinguishes between the means to accumulate the wealth and its utilization. Islam believes that the genuine ownership of wealth belongs to God. Individual makes use of it in His subordination. He/she does not have the absolute right to decide about the utility of his/her wealth. If he deviates or is corrupt, his ownership can be challenged and declined. The basic principle of Shariah in this context is that one should save himself and others from the harm. If choice is between two evils then the lesser should be the adopted. In this paper, the author explores different viewpoints of fuqha and jurists and elaborates the concept of collective Ujustice in the light of Islamic injunctions.

How to Cite
احمد زکی یمانی. (2012). عدل اجتماعی اور اس کی اسلامی بنیادیں . FIKR-O NAZAR فکر ونظر, 50(1), 99-126. https://doi.org/10.52541/fn.v50i1.3806
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