مولانا سعید احمد اکبر آبادیؒ ایک"ترقی پسند" مذہبی مفکر ایک جائزہ

  • ڈاکٹر حمیرا ناز
Keywords: eminent, personalities, Islam, progressive


Molana Saeed Akber Abadi (1908-1985) was an eminent scholar, erudite author, and self styled critic of Sub continent- his educational and religious services were immense and enormous. He was one of the most distinguished personalities of the sub-continent due to his services to Islam. He benefited from renowned religious and worldly educational institutes and also taught there. Therefore he possessed great combination of traditional and modern values. He was among the some of enlightened, progressive and modern scholars of sub-continent. He believed to comprehend the demands of modern world and to shape Islamic teaching in accordance with it, so he thought Ijtihad as the need of modern time. He kept casuistical and prophetic vision to find new venues in religion in changing world, that's why he embraced the way jurisprudence extensionism as his religious propensity. He rightly thought that the complex issues and variety of problems can not be addressed without jurisprudence extensionism, tolerance, and insisting on specific sect. that's why he adopted balanced, moderate and tolerant views in controversial and jurisprudential issues. This is the most significant aspect of his personality which inspires me most, and it is the topic of my present article

How to Cite
ڈاکٹر حمیرا ناز. (2012). مولانا سعید احمد اکبر آبادیؒ ایک"ترقی پسند" مذہبی مفکر ایک جائزہ. FIKR-O NAZAR فکر ونظر, 50(2), 81-106. https://doi.org/10.52541/fn.v50i2.3790
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