فنی،سائنسی اور انسانی علوم کی حقیقت فقہ وشریعت کے تناظر میں

  • ڈاکٹر محمد یوسف فاروقی
Keywords: religious, natural, academic, Quranic


A common and general religious views of subcontinent regards the education of natural or applied sciences or teaching of technical or social sciences as irreligious or even something prohibited by the shariah. This concept has deeply affected negatively our academic and educational growth in these fields. The paper attempts to examine this issue from various angles. First, it establishes that the knowledge ('ilm) is an attribute of Allah. His knowledge is complete and perfect that can be observed in the heavens, earth and in all spheres of life. The believers have been encouraged to develop in and grow up with those Godly attributes which are not exclusively specified for Him Second, the paper explores some of those Quranic verses which draw our attention to reflect in and investigate signs of Allah, spread all over the universe. These verses persuade the believers to explore the treasures hidden in the earth and oceans. There are verses inciting the readers to travel in the land, look at marvelous creation and search for bounties of Allah being created for man in this world. The study of these verses expose the fallacy of the concept that the struggle for achieving scientific or technical knowledge is a useless activity or contrary to the teachings of Islam. Finally the paper examines the role of some Messengers, who played effective role to the advancement of several scientific and technical disciplines. Moreover, the issue has been discussed from Fiqh point view, with reference to maqasid.

How to Cite
ڈاکٹر محمد یوسف فاروقی. (2012). فنی،سائنسی اور انسانی علوم کی حقیقت فقہ وشریعت کے تناظر میں . FIKR-O NAZAR فکر ونظر, 50(2), 5-30. https://doi.org/10.52541/fn.v50i2.3788
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