مکرراتِ قرآن اور امام بقاعیؒ

  • ڈاکٹر حبیب اللہ چشتی
Keywords: commentary, repetition, specific, investigates


Mukarrarat-ul-Quran means the repetition of any ayah or story in the Quran. Imam Biqai, in hiscommentary Nazm al-durar fi tanasub al ayat wa-’l-suwar, is of the view that such repetition is not repugnant to the eloquence of Quran, rather it adds to its beauty and conveys specific meanings in a particular context. Moreover, the Quran never repeats the full description of an event but only a particular section which is closely related to the theme of the second surah. In addition to describing this as a principle, Imam Biqai also presented numerous arguments for it in his commentary. The present article investigates these argument

How to Cite
ڈاکٹر حبیب اللہ چشتی. (2013). مکرراتِ قرآن اور امام بقاعیؒ. FIKR-O NAZAR فکر ونظر, 50(3), 7-28. https://doi.org/10.52541/fn.v50i3.3717
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