ادارہ تحقیقات اسلامی کے فکری و تحقیقی مجلات کا تنقیدی جائزہ ....................................................................................... A Critical Analysis of Reflective and Research Journals of Islamic Research Institute

  • محمد احمد منیر Islamic Research Institute, International Islamic University, Islamabad.


The present study deals with the question of epistemological contribution of Islamic Research Institute. Epistemology and creation of knowledge has remained under studied subjects in Pakistani academia after the creation of Pakistan in 1947. With the exception of few, rare serious efforts have been made to enhance research culture and capacity of Muslim scholars in the field of Islamic studies during the twentieth century in South Asia. Islamic Research Institute (IRI) is among those rare institutions in Pakistan where research, critical thinking and epistemology have always remained at centre during the past six decades. This article is three fold; it introduces the research disseminated by IRI through its three research journals, it critically analyses epistemological foundations of the academic contributions made in these journals and argues that although much serious research is required in the field of Islamic studies that caters contemporary challenges faced by the Muslim world, yet a significant advance has been made in the field through research contributions of three academic double-blind peer reviewed journals of Islamic Research Institute namely, (1) Islamic Studies, (2) al-Dirāsāt al-Islāmiyyah, and (3) Fikr-o Na╘ar published quarterly in English, Arabic and Urdu languages respectively during the past six decades in Pakistan.

Author Biography

محمد احمد منیر, Islamic Research Institute, International Islamic University, Islamabad.
Doctoral Candidate at the Institute of Islamic Studies, McGill Univeristy, Canada/Assistant Editor, Islamic Studies and Lecturer, Fiqh and Law Department.
How to Cite
منیرم. ا. (2018). ادارہ تحقیقات اسلامی کے فکری و تحقیقی مجلات کا تنقیدی جائزہ . A Critical Analysis of Reflective and Research Journals of Islamic Research Institute. FIKR-O NAZAR فکر ونظر, 55(1-2). Retrieved from http://irigs.iiu.edu.pk:64447/ojs/index.php/irifikronazar/article/view/367
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