کریڈٹ کارڈ کا شرعی حکم:فیصل اسلامی نور کارڈ کا خصوصی مطالعہ

Sharīʿah Rule of Credit Card: A Case Study of Faysal Islami Noor Card

  • Muhammad Usman Younas Assistant Researcher, Markaz Taleem-o-Tahqeeq, H-15 Islamabad
  • Muhammad Asghar Shahzad Lecurer, School of Islamic Banking & Finance, International Institute of Islamic Economics, international Islamic University, Islamabad
Keywords: Credit Card, tawarruq, Islamic Banking, ribā, Sharīʿah Alternative


Islamic banks are increasingly developing products that cater to modern financial needs while upholding Islamic principles. The Faysal Islami Noor Card, Pakistan’s second Sharīʿah-compliant alternative to conventional credit cards, marks a significant milestone in this endeavor. This paper presents a comprehensive Sharīʿah analysis of conventional credit cards and the Faysal Islami Noor Card. The study is structured in two parts: the first part examines Sharīʿah guidelines on conventional credit cards, drawing from the proceedings, standards, and Fatwas of the International Islamic Fiqh Academy, the Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial Institutions (AAOIFI), and renowned Darul Ifat. The second part evaluates the Faysal Islami Noor Card in light of Sharīʿah principles. Using qualitative methods and content analysis technique, the researchs provide a detailed understanding of the card's compliance and practical implications. The paper concludes that the use of conventional credit cards is impermissible in Sharīʿah, while the Faysal Islami Noor Card, based on tawarruq, offers a permissible alternative. However, it emphasizes that tawarruq, according to fiqh literature, is not a mode of finance but a Makhrij (a legal stratagem), and suggests several improvements to enhance the Sharīʿah compliance of the Faysal Islami Noor Card.

How to Cite
Younas, M. U., & Shahzad, M. A. (2024). کریڈٹ کارڈ کا شرعی حکم:فیصل اسلامی نور کارڈ کا خصوصی مطالعہ: Sharīʿah Rule of Credit Card: A Case Study of Faysal Islami Noor Card. FIKR-O NAZAR فکر ونظر, 62(1), 9-28. https://doi.org/10.52541/fn.v62i1.3434
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