سلاطین ہند کی دینی و مذہبی مساعی : ایک جائزہ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A Study of the Religious Efforts of Muslim Emperors in India

  • محمد شمیم اختر قاسمی Aliah University, Kolkata


The Arabs had regular contact with Sind and its adjoining areas of Multan and Lahore between the period   ranging from the  deposition of Muhammad Ibn Qasim upto the mid of the Abbasid era. However, the pace at which they gained territories was unmatched by any other military power in that period. If any ruler could establish Abbasid influence onIndiait was only for a short time. Owing to the weakness of the Abbaside Caliphate, some autonomous territories governed by the Arabs came into existence in Sind,Northern Indiaand its coastal areas. These Arab governed territories helped retaining the relationship of Muslims with the Indian sub-continent. The non-Arabs (Iranians and others) who easily enteredIndiathrough theKhyber Passfound a most hospitable environment which enabled them to easily gain firm ground after some initial oppositions. We will try to assess the religious as well as the intellectual efforts of these emperors of the sub-continent in the above context.

How to Cite
قاسمیم. ش. ا. (2016). سلاطین ہند کی دینی و مذہبی مساعی : ایک جائزہ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A Study of the Religious Efforts of Muslim Emperors in India. FIKR-O NAZAR فکر ونظر, 53(3). Retrieved from http://irigs.iiu.edu.pk:64447/ojs/index.php/irifikronazar/article/view/31
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