موسمیاتی وماحولیاتی تبدیلیوں کے مضرت رساں اثرات سے نمٹنے کے لیے دین اسلام کی نظریاتی تعلیمات اور عملی ہدایات

Theoretical and Practical Teachings of Islam to address the Harmful Effects of Climate Changes

  • Muhammad Bilal Ebrahim Berberi Lecturer, Islamabad Model College for Boys (Degree), Sihala, Islamabad
Keywords: Climate Changes, harmful effects, global warming, Islam, theory, practice, teachings


The belief of a Supreme Being, having complete authority and extreme power over each and everything exists and over every action occurs in this universe, is among well-established beliefs in all religions and recognized by their adherents. Those who absolve themselves of such a belief attribute the actions happen and the changes occur around them, either on earth or in heaven, to the natural laws terming them as the real and essential causes and factors according to successful human experiences and constant observations. While both the believers in any religion and the un-believers unanimously admit of the rule of cause and effect, since they all believe that fire burns, water quenches thirst, sun heats up the atmosphere and the moon reflects light, the only difference between them in this regard is that the former believe that they are subservient to the Will of a Supreme Being while the latter do put this rule free from any outside direction. Thus all humans recognize and acknowledge that the detrimental and dangerous environmental and climate changes which are being globally experienced in almost every part of the world are resulting from the wrongdoings and harmful actions of human being as the Holy Quran clearly declares; Evil (sins and disobedience of Allah, etc.) has appeared on land and sea because of what the hands of men have earned (by oppression and evil deeds, etc.), that Allah may make them taste a part of that which they have done, in order that they may return (by repenting to Allah, and begging His Pardon).  (surah ar-Room: 41)

According to scientific empirical research so far, the worsening situation of climatic and environmental changes, the deterioration of which is increasing day by day, has started since the 19th century. Hotter climate, frequent occurrence of unusual storms, increasing droughts, rising sea levels, extinction of various species, immunity decline of human physical health and strength to fight deadly epidemics and diseases, poverty and migration from homeland to other lands; all are attributed to the climate and environmental changes. Since Islam claims that it is the complete code of life which solves all problems faced by mankind and gives perfect guidance in all situations, what Islam teaches and guides to overcome the threats posed by the above mentioned climatic and environmental changes disturbing human life on earth? What are the distinguished theoretical features and practical instructions of Islam as a Perfect Deen in this regard? The paper under review mainly answers these questions along with elaborating some important concepts related to climate change, its causes and effects and what may happen if the necessary actions are neglected.

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