قرآن کریم میں وقف اور ابتدا : برصغیر اور شاہ فہد قرآن کمپلیکس کے مطبوعہ مصاحف کا تقابلی جائزہ

Waqf and Beginnings in the Holy Quran: A Comparative review between the Mushafs Published by Shah Fahd Quran Complex and Mushafs Published in the Subcontinent

  • Muhammad Zaid Malik Assistant Professor, Translation Center, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Keywords: Waqf


 No one denies the importance of where to stop and where to initiate the recitation in the Holy Quran. The meaning and purpose of the divine word becomes clear from the knowledge of stopping and starting while its recital. From the study of the Qur'an, it is known that there is a difference between the scholars of tafsir in the places of waqf and initiation. The reason for this difference may be a difference in interpretation, a difference in reading, and the possibility of error cannot be ruled out. In this paper, the author has made a comparative analysis of the symbols of waqf in relation to waqf and initiation, which are present in the copies of the holy Qurán published by King Fahd Qur'an Complex (Madinah Munawarah) and the symbols of waqf that are in the copies of the holy Qurán published in the subcontinent.

Following the method of Induction, specific places in the two published copies of the holy Qur’an where there is agreement on waqf and initiation and also places where there is disagreement in both Mus’hafs, have been determined. At the end of the paper some recommendations are also given on this comparative review.

How to Cite
Malik, M. Z. (2022). قرآن کریم میں وقف اور ابتدا : برصغیر اور شاہ فہد قرآن کمپلیکس کے مطبوعہ مصاحف کا تقابلی جائزہ: Waqf and Beginnings in the Holy Quran: A Comparative review between the Mushafs Published by Shah Fahd Quran Complex and Mushafs Published in the Subcontinent. FIKR-O NAZAR فکر ونظر, 60(2), 39-69. https://doi.org/10.52541/fn.v60i2.2732
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