حدیث اور علوم حدیث پر تحقیق: پندرھویں صدی عیسویں میں برصغیر کے علما کی خدمات کا جائزہ
A Research Study on Hadīth and its Sciences: A Review of the Contribution of Subcontinent Scholars in Fifteenth Century AD
Scholars have invented various sciences for the protection of Ḥadīth and ʻUlūm ʻl Ḥadīth. Such as the ʻIlm ʻl rijāl, ʻIlm ʻl jarḥ wa Taʻdīl and the knowledge of the strangeness of ḥadīth, etc. Thus, from the beginning of Islam, the scholars of the Subcontinent, while contributing to the service of the Qur'ān and ʻUlūm ʻl Qur'ān, continued their services in Ḥadīth and ʻUlūm ʻl Ḥadīth. However, Ḥadīth and ʻUlūm ʻl Ḥadīth was revived in the subcontinent in the fifteenth century. This research intends the work done by the Scholars in terms of Ḥadīth and ʻUlūm ʻl Ḥadīth in 15th has been described. During this period, the scholars of ḥadīth performed very well in the subcontinent, as a result of which people from far and wide began to travel to subcontinent to acquire knowledge of ḥadīth. The ḥadīth narrators developed great role in the sciences of ḥadīth. In subcontinent the noteworthy Moḥaddthīn are Abdullah b. Umar al-Halavī (1404 AD), Muhammad b. Yaqūb Sherāzī (1414 AD), Syed Muhammad Gaisūdarāz (1422 AD), Muhammad b. Muhammad al-Makrānī (1422 AD), Badar ud Dīn al-Damaminī (1424 AD), Hussain b. Muʻīz Bahārī (1441 AD), Mahmood Gawon (1481 AD), Shaikh ʻAlā ud Dīn Dehlvī, Abū Saūd b. Younus Malikī etc.
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