شیخ علی متقی رحمۃ اللہ علیہ، ان کے فاضل تلامذہ اور ان کی دینی خدمات
Shaykh Ali Muttaqī, his Eminant Students and their Religious Services
In the tenth century AH, the great Sufi Scholar of Gujarat, Sheikh Ali Muttaqi and his disciples gained popularity for their services in the reformation of society. With his religious knowledge, spiritual insight and bounty, he not only created an impact on Gujarat and India but on the whole Muslim world. Apart from training and providing guidance to his disciples, he also added immense knowledge to the Islamic literature by writing valuable books on Hadith, Sufism and other Islamic sciences. He pointed out the erroneous mistakes in the works of contemporary scholars, warned against the flaws in prevailing Sufism, redressed them and waged jihad against anti-Islamic beliefs and movements arising in the society through providing accurate information and correct knowledge. He trained his disciples and followers in a balanced way and in accordance to the true teachings of Islam. His able disciples then propagated his mission by following his teachings and foot prints and continued to make great efforts to eradicate the innovations and violations in the society. While doing so, they did not hesitate to sacrifice their lives and wealth as well. The article in hand, gives a brief and comprehensive overview of these services of Sheikh Ali Muttaqi and his close disciples.
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