دورِ حاضر میں امنِ عالم کے حصول میں سیرت ِ رحمت عالم ﷺ سے راہ نمائی: ایک تحقیقی مطالعہ

Peace in the Modern World: Guidelines from the Sīrah of the Prophet (peace be on him)

  • Syed Muhammad Tahir Shah Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Studies, Govt. College Satellite Town, Rawalpindi.
Keywords: dialogue, Peace, Religion, Role Model, Sīrah, Teachings


In human history, peace has always been the most essential condition for human progress. Most of the international organizations have been trying their best to achieve and maintain peace but their struggle has not yielded fruitful results. The reason behind this failure is the lack of the required teachings and application of ethical values. Islam as one of the world religions of today promotes peace and harmony. It provides effective teachings and practical examples embodied in several Qur’ānic verses and the role model of the life of Prophet Muḥammad (peaced be on him). The Prophet (peaced be on him) promoted all those behaviours which are considered essential for peacebuilding and tried to eliminate all those factors which were harmful or against the peace and harmony in the world. Application of these teachings and practices with true letter and spirit can be proved as the most effective step in obtaining and maintaining peace in the lives of individuals as well as in societies. In this article, this aspect of Sīrah (Prophetic biography) is described and elaborated on, so that we can follow his example to keep peace at local and international levels.

How to Cite
Syed Muhammad Tahir Shah. (2023). دورِ حاضر میں امنِ عالم کے حصول میں سیرت ِ رحمت عالم ﷺ سے راہ نمائی: ایک تحقیقی مطالعہ : Peace in the Modern World: Guidelines from the Sīrah of the Prophet (peace be on him). FIKR-O NAZAR فکر ونظر, 60(3), 43-74. https://doi.org/10.52541/fn.v60i3.2270
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