جامع ترمذی میں علمِ اصولِ فقہ کا تعارفی مطالعہ (کتاب الطهارة تا کتاب الجنائز)

An Introductory Study of Jurisprodence in Jamʽi Tarimdhī (Case Study from book of al-Taharah to al-Janaiz)

  • Saima Malik PhD Scholar, Department of Islamic Studies, GC University, Faisalabad
  • Muhammad Hamid Raza Assistant Prof, Department of Islamic Studies, GC University, Faisalabad
Keywords: Jami Tarimdhi, chapters, al-taharah, al-janaiz, sources of fiqh, methodology, style, jurisprudence


Jamʽi Tarimzdhī is a comprehensive reference book on hadees which its self radiates different fields of knowledge. According to Ibnul Arabi and Allama Ghulam Rasool, it is considered to form the basis of fourteen (14) and twenty four (24) subjects of Hadees and Fiqh respectively. Later is of the view that it may give rise to even more than twenty four illustrations. A thorough research analysis of "Jame" from "Abwabul taharah to Abwabul jnaiz" proved it as such. The methodology and style for Ttitles (Trajm e abwab) and collection the sources of Fiqh (Mustadallat) clarifies / envisages thirteen (13) more different technical subjects of Usool e fiqh as well. So, the present study is done to extract and explore the introduction of these possible technical subjects in the field along with examples from "Jame tirmzi", (Abwabul taharah to Abwabul jnaiz).

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