مریم جمیلہ کے قبولِ اسلام اور مطالعہ اقبال کے باہمی روابط

The Mutual Relations of Maryam Jameelah's Conversion to Islam and Study of Iqbal

  • Zohaib Ahmad Assistant Professor, Department of World Religions and Interfaith Harmony, the Islamia University of Bahawalpur
Keywords: Iqbal, Maryam Jameelah, Religious Conversion, Islam, Poetry


Muhammad Iqbal is entitled as the Poet of East; however, his thoughts are far beyond geographical barriers. His works play an important role in bridging the gaps between East and West. He influences a number of people through his poetry. One of them is Maryam Jameelah. She is an American Jewish lady who, after her conversion to Islam, migrates to Pakistan. While analyzing her conversion, most of the scholars argue that her study of the Holy Quran, works of Muhammad Asad, the concept of the hereafter, and her meetings with American Muslims result in her conversion to Islam. It is often ignored that she is also influenced by Iqbal's works. By analyzing both published and unpublished writings of Jameelah, the current study argues that along with other mentioned factors, the study of Iqbal's poetry also played a pivotal role in her conversion to Islam. She praises the poetic works of Iqbal and recognizes them as a symbol of spirituality and religiosity. However, she criticizes most of his prose works and considers them influenced by the philosophies of modernism.

How to Cite
Zohaib Ahmad. (2024). مریم جمیلہ کے قبولِ اسلام اور مطالعہ اقبال کے باہمی روابط: The Mutual Relations of Maryam Jameelah’s Conversion to Islam and Study of Iqbal. FIKR-O NAZAR فکر ونظر, 61(3), 153-175. https://doi.org/10.52541/fn.v62i3.2021
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