وقف سے متعلقہ بعض مسائل اور پاکستان میں اس کے احیا کی ضرورت

Some Commandments Regarding Waqf and the Need to Revive it in Pakistan

  • Samina Bashir Assistant Professor Faculty of Shariah & Law International Islamic University, Islamabad
Keywords: continuous charity, waqf, perpetuity, movable, sustainable, economic development


Waqf or endowment is a perpetual form of charity which may also be denoted as 'continuous charity'. Charity holds great importance in the Islamic system especially because of its eternal benefits. The Islamic civilization is based upon the idea of cooperation and helping the needy. Islam is against limiting wealth to certain people; rather, it demands the circulation of wealth among the community. In its encouragement for working in the public interest, charitable endowment (waqf) is an institution that serves this purpose. Islamic history is filled with numerous examples of dedicating one's private property to the public interest. An endowment is a golden chapter of Islamic history that needs to be revived in its true spirit. This paper discusses the constituents, importance, benefits and utilization of waqf in the present era especially in consideration of today's economic needs of the Islamic society and the transformation of conventional waqf into an efficient and profitable institution. It highlights the need to rejuvenate the system of waqf in the present era while addressing the financial problems of various segments of society.

How to Cite
Bashir, S. (2023). وقف سے متعلقہ بعض مسائل اور پاکستان میں اس کے احیا کی ضرورت : Some Commandments Regarding Waqf and the Need to Revive it in Pakistan. FIKR-O NAZAR فکر ونظر, 60(3), 75-94. https://doi.org/10.52541/fn.v60i3.1988
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