معاجمِ عربیہ کا تاریخی ارتقا اورفن تخریج الحدیث میں معاجمِ اطراف الحدیث کی اہمیت: ”تحفة الاشراف بمعرفة الاطراف“ کا اختصاصی مطالعہ

Historical Evolution of Arabic lexicons and significance of Atrāf-‛l-Ḥadīth in the Science of takhrīj-‛l-Ḥadīth: case study of “Toḥfat-‛l-Ashrāf bi M’arifati ‛l Atrāf”

  • Muhammad Samiullah Associate Professor, Department of Islamic Thought & Civilization, Univesity of Mangamment and Technoloby, Lahore
Keywords: Arabic lexicons, takhrīj ‛l Ḥadīth, Ḥadīth expurgation, atarāf ‛l Ḥadīth, Tohfa-tul-Ashraf


: Takhrīj l adīth” (Expurgation) means the act of extracting from books a Ḥadīth (Tradition) along with its narrations and making it an object of criticism /discussion. Takhrīj is also a guidance that describes the presence of a particular Ḥadīth in original sources and mentions its chain of transmission as well as narrates, if it is required in reliability of that Ḥadīth. Whereas “Tarf l adīth” means narrating a piece of Ḥadīth that connotes the whole adīth. This terminology is exclusively associated with Takhrīj l adīth. The “Atraf l adīth” is the referral book of Aadīth in which the author mentions a well-known portion of adīth and sometimes he brings a word or sentence alphabetically to refer the body of text from same adīth. It maks easy to complete the chain of transmission of theadīth. Moreover, the author also mentions the complete referral books in which that particular adīth is narrated. The “Kutubl faharis” (Books of Indexes) are also guide to make easy indexes of Aadīth by which the particular adīth may be searched from the original sources of Aadīth. This article deals with the fundamentals of the art of “Atarāf l adīth” as well as introduction and methodological study of “Tofat-l-Ashrāf bi M’arifati l Atrāf” that is most important book on this topic written by Hafiz ul Muzzi, the famous Syrian scholar of adīth sciences in 8th century Hijrah.

How to Cite
Samiullah, M. (2023). معاجمِ عربیہ کا تاریخی ارتقا اورفن تخریج الحدیث میں معاجمِ اطراف الحدیث کی اہمیت: ”تحفة الاشراف بمعرفة الاطراف“ کا اختصاصی مطالعہ: Historical Evolution of Arabic lexicons and significance of Atrāf-‛l-Ḥadīth in the Science of takhrīj-‛l-Ḥadīth: case study of “Toḥfat-‛l-Ashrāf bi M’arifati ‛l Atrāf”. FIKR-O NAZAR فکر ونظر, 60(3), 9-41. https://doi.org/10.52541/fn.v60i3.1915
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