جہاد سے متعلق قرآنی آیات میں ناسخ ومنسوخ ،نہی عن المنکر کے احکام اوراستشراقی نقطۂ نظر

Abrogation in Qur’ānic Verses Regarding Jihād and the Idea of Forbidding Wrong: A Critique of Orientalists’ Point of View

  • Fatima Noreen Lecturer, Islamic Studies, University of the Punjab, Lahore.
Keywords: Abrogation, Nahi Anil Munkir, Amar bil Maroof


Some orientalists have argued that the discussion of abrogation with reference to jihād-related verses in the commentaries of the Qur’ān is in fact an intellectual activity to bring about a reconciliation between conflicting views, attain imperialistic goals, and increase the morale of Muslim army against the enemies in war. The idea of forbidding wrong (nahy ‘an al-munkar) has a direct connection with jihād. Hence, the orientalists have also objected that one cannot find in the Qur’ān any basis for the idea of forbidding wrong with which one can support jihād’s obligation. This article examines the objections of the orientalists in the light of the primary sources of Islam, i.e., the Qur’ān and Sunnah, and concludes that they stem from sheer misunderstanding of the text of the Qur’ān.

How to Cite
Noreen, F. (2020). جہاد سے متعلق قرآنی آیات میں ناسخ ومنسوخ ،نہی عن المنکر کے احکام اوراستشراقی نقطۂ نظر: Abrogation in Qur’ānic Verses Regarding Jihād and the Idea of Forbidding Wrong: A Critique of Orientalists’ Point of View. FIKR-O NAZAR فکر ونظر, 58(1), 9-36. https://doi.org/10.52541/fn.v58i1.1543
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