علی گڑھ سکول کے مفکرین کی نظر میں اجماع کا مقام: محسن الملک کے حوالے سے ایک خصوصی مطالعہ

Ijmā‘ in the Thought of Aligarh School: A Study with Special Reference to Muḥsin al-Mulk

  • Sameena Hasnain Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic History, University of Karachi
Keywords: ,ijmā‘, Aligarh school, Nawāb Muḥsin al-Mulk


Except for a few initial centuries of Islamic history ,ijmāhas been considered the third basic source of the Sharī‘ah after the Qur’ān and Sunnah. It is often contended that a sort of consensus (ijmā‘) occurred amongst the jurists of medieval period which almost closed the door of independent reasoning (ijtihād). Though there were few exceptions, like Ibn Taymiyyah and others, who did not accept this position, these voices were few and far between and could not impact much. However, in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, there were many scholars who challenged this consensus. Among them were those who were associated with Aligaṛh movement. This article discusses the position of Aligarh school on ijmā with special focus on the writings of Nawāb Muḥsin al-Mulk.

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