بیسویں صدی عیسوی کے نصفِ اوّل میں سیرت نگاری کا ارتقا: بہ حوالہ ”سیرتِ قرآنیہ“ از محمد اجمل خان ----------------- The Evolution of Sirah Writing in the First Half of the Twentieth Century with Special Reference to Muhammad Ajmal Khan’s Sirat-i Qur’aniyyah

  • نثار احمد


The Evolution of Sirah Writing in the First Half of the Twentieth Century with Special Reference to Muhammad Ajmal Khan’s Sirat-i Qur’aniyyah

The history of Sirah writing in Urdu, especially in Indo-Pak subcontinent, is quite old. However, the activity in this respect was so enormous in the first half of the twentieth century that according to some scholars the epoch could be termed as “the Golden age of Sirah writing”. During that period, various approaches and methodologies were used in Sirah writing. While focusing on Qur’an-based Sirah writing, this paper concentrates on Muhammad Ajmal Khan’s Sirat-i Qur’aniyyah. Although the author has gone against some conventionally held Muslim views, this book is a fundamental survey in Urdu language, studying Sirah literature which employs Qur‘an as the primary source. Analysis of the topic shows that there was a need of study in this regard.

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