التفسیرالبیانی للقرآن الکریم اورنظرات فی کتاب اللہ کا تجزیاتی مطالعہ

An Analytical Study of al-Tafsīr al-Bayānī li ’l-Qur’ān al-Karīm and Naẓarāt fī Kitāb Allāh

  • Ayesha Jabeen .... Lecturer, Govt. Postgraduate College for Women, Gulberg, Lahore
Keywords: ‘Ā’ishah bint al-Shatī’, Zaynab al-Ghazalī, al-Tafsīr, al-Tafsir al-Bayānī li ’l-Qur’ān al-Karīm, Naẓarāt fī Kitāb Allāh


Twentieth century could be termed as the period when a renewed interest was seen in the Qur’ānic exegesis. Included in the long list of exegetes during this period are some women commentators of the Qur’ān, such as ‘Ā’ishah bint al-Shātī’ and Zaynab al-Ghazālī. This paper aims to analyze their commentaries of the Qur’ān, while focusing on their respective methodologies. A survey of ‘Ā’ishah’s commentary, al-Tafsīr al-Bayānī li ’l-Qur’ān al-Karīm, indicates that she focuses on the apparent meaning of the text of the Qur’ān and has tried to present the rhetorical and linguistic aspects of the verses (Āyāt) of the Qur’ān. On the other hand, Zaynab in her commentary, Naẓarāt fī Kitāb Allāh, primarily relies on the traditional methods of the Qur’ānic exegesis i.e., tafsīr bi ’l-riwāyah.


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