عید الاضحیٰ کی قربانی سے پہلے بال اور ناخن کاٹنے کی ممانعت ( اُصولِ علم روایت ودرایت کی روشنی میں حدیث ِام سلمہ کا تحقیقی مطالعہ)

Prohibition of Trimming Hair and Nails Prior to Offering Eid al-Adḥā’s Sacrifice: A Critical Examination of Umm-i Salama’s (RA) Narration

  • Muhammad Amir Gazdar Ph.D in Qur'an and Sunnah Studies (IIUM), Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge & Heritage, International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM),
Keywords: Prohibition, Trimming Hair, clipping nails, Eid al-Adḥā’s Sacrifice, Hadith Ummi Salam, Critical Examination


With numerous chains of narration through Umm-i Salama﷞, a saying has been attributed to the Prophet r prohibiting believers from clipping nails and cutting any of their (body or head) hair from the sighting of Dhu al-ijjah’s moon till they have sacrificed the animal. The present study scrutinises this tradition as per the priciples of both ilm al-riwāyah and ilm al-dirāyah, taking into account all its variant texts and chains of narration. The work carefully concludes that, according to the established principles of Hadīth verification, the attribution of this narrative to the Prophet is not proven; neither it is tenable from the perspective of historical transmission nor textual analysis.

How to Cite
Gazdar, M. A. (2022). عید الاضحیٰ کی قربانی سے پہلے بال اور ناخن کاٹنے کی ممانعت ( اُصولِ علم روایت ودرایت کی روشنی میں حدیث ِام سلمہ کا تحقیقی مطالعہ) : Prohibition of Trimming Hair and Nails Prior to Offering Eid al-Adḥā’s Sacrifice: A Critical Examination of Umm-i Salama’s (RA) Narration. FIKR-O NAZAR فکر ونظر, 60(2), 145-201. https://doi.org/10.52541/fn.v60i2.1375
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