اسلامی معاشرے میں اقلیتوں کے حقوق اور پر امن بقاے باہمی: عدالت عظمی کے فیصلےکا علمی جائزہ

Rights of Minorities in an Islamic Society and Peaceful Co-Existence: An Overview of the Judgement of the Supreme Court of Pakistan

  • Dr. Habib Rehman Chairman, Department of Training, Sharī‘ah Academy, International Islamic University, Islamabad
  • Asghar Shahzad Lecturer, Department of Training, Sharī‘ah Academy, International Islamic University, Islamabad
Keywords: Minorities, Co-Existence, Rights, Supreme Court of Pakistan


The present paper is a critical study of a judgement given by the Supreme Court of Pakistan following an attack on a church in Peshawar and media reports revealing that the Kālāsh and Ismā‘īlī tribes in the district Chitral of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province are being forced to convert to Islam. The court declared all such incidents as violation of fundamental rights that are guaranteed in the constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan. The court also directed the federal government to prepare an appropriate curriculum at school and college levels to promote a culture of religious and social tolerance, and take preventive measures to discourage propagation of hateful speeches on social media. The paper critically evaluates some of the controversial issues raised in the said judgement in the light of the Sharī‘ah.

How to Cite
Rehman, D. H., & Shahzad, A. (2020). اسلامی معاشرے میں اقلیتوں کے حقوق اور پر امن بقاے باہمی: عدالت عظمی کے فیصلےکا علمی جائزہ : Rights of Minorities in an Islamic Society and Peaceful Co-Existence: An Overview of the Judgement of the Supreme Court of Pakistan. FIKR-O NAZAR فکر ونظر, 57(4), 197-219. Retrieved from http://irigs.iiu.edu.pk:64447/ojs/index.php/irifikronazar/article/view/1260
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